Valérie Hasson-Benillouche founded Galerie Charlot in 2010 with the aim to champion innovative practices in contemporary art. Attentive to artistic experimentation, Galerie Charlot develops a reflection on the relationship between art, technology and science.Through its pioneering attitude, Valérie Hasson-Benillouche has created a space dedicated to contemporary art where her expertise in the world of digital art brings together artists, collectors and scientists. The gallery's calendar is punctuated by conferences and performances around digital art and its place in contemporary art. It exhibits emerging, mid-career and established artists.Partnerships with galleries, institutions and curators are key points to develop the gallery's international influence, as well as participation in festivals, off-site exhibitions, round tables and fairs in Paris, Basel, Brussels and New York, among others.

Partner of the Nemo Festival, member of the Arcadi jury, and Laguna Price Venezia, Valérie has been part of the SIGGRAPH Paris Reflection Committee and participates in various conferences, including those held at Elektra-Montreal, ArtBrussel, and Ars Electronica-Linz. She develops specific projects with companies such as Hermes, Société Générale, Audemars Piguet, Oddo Bank, C21 Hotels, and Shiseido. She is also a member of the CPGA and is on the committee of the FHDN Foundation and the Digital Humanities Foundation.Valérie and her team are dedicated to the development of digital art as a major art form, an essential part of contemporary art.

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